Monday 30 July 2012

Tourney at Viva Mars Mpowering

Deck used:   Rabbit Laggia
Participants:  20+
Format:         Swiss system

Round 1: Vs Hanzo Hieratic
1. He started 1st and summon Hanzo and managed to set 2 backrows. I set 3 cards and passed my turn without any monster as I get Gorz in hand. He attacked me and passed his turn. I summoned Kabazauls to force him used his Ninjitsu art of super-transformation and I chained with MST. He try to summoned Hieratic dragon of tefnuit in his turn but I negated his summon with Warning. He ended and I summon Thunder King to lock him and attacked him directly. He summon 1 more tefnuit but I destroyed it with bottomless. I draw rabbit next turn and ended the game.
2. He stated 1st and managed to summon Hanzo again. He set 3 backrows. I managed to draw Heavy storms and clear all his backrows. I summon Thunder king to destroy his Hanzo and managed to gain field advantages. He draws and set 1 monsters. I summoned Hydrogeddon and attacked with it. The set Ryko destroyed my Hydrogeddon. I attacked with my Thunder King and ended my turn. He draws and special summon tefnuit but I destroyed it with my bottomless. I summon another Hydrogeddon next turn n Monster Reborn another Hydrogeddon to make Laggia and won the game.

Results: OO

Round 2: Vs Chaos Dragon
1. I started by settling Kabazauls and 2 backrows. He heavy storms all my backrows and managed to OTK me with Future Fusion combo.
2. I started 1st with good hand. I summon Laggia with Rabbit and set 3 backrows that consist of Macro Cosmo, Bottomless and Warning. He use Solar Recharge and I chain with Cosmo. I stop his combo with my backrows and gain more advantages in next round when I get my Thunder King.
3. He started 1st by settling 1 monster. I summoned Kabazauls although I have Rabbit in hand because I estimated that he will set a ryko. However I noticed that it was Wyvern when I attacted with Kabazauls. He banished his RedDM. I set 3 backrows and ended the turn. He summon Lyla and I chained with Fiendish Chain. He set 1 backrow and ended his turn. I activated Cosmo before my turn. I summon Rabbit and managed to summon 2 more Sabersaurus even he has a effect veiler in hand due to my lovely Cosmo in field.
With Cosmo and Laggia I control the game.

Results: XOO

Round 3: Vs Hieratic
1. I started with Thunder King and 3 backrows and managed to stop his combo with my heavy traps.
2. He summoned Hieratic dragon of Eset and 2 backrows. I summoned Kabazauls and attacted him. He negated my attacked with Enemy controller. I ended my turn with 2 backrows. He used heavy storms to clear my field and tribute his Eset to control my Kabazauls. He managed to perform his OTK.
3. I started with 3 Sabersaurus, Thunder King and 2 traps in hand. I summoned Thunder King and 2 backrows. He passed his turn without doing anything. I summoned Sabersaurus and attacted with both my monster. He passed set 1 backrow and passed. I summoned another Sabersaurus and attacted with all my monster. He get a bad hand and admit defeated.

Results: OXO

Round 4: Vs Inzektor
1. I started with my Thunder king and 3 backrows. He summoned Centipede and wan to use his effect but I stop it with Fiendish Chain. He ended his turn with 3 backrows. I drawed Rabbit and summoned it but effect stopped by his Effect veiler. I attacted his Centipede wiht my Thunder king but he stopped with with Raigeki Break by discarding his hornet. He summoned another Centipede and I stopped his effect with another Fiendish Chain. He xyz both Centipede to Wind-up Zenmaines. I used my last backrows Compulsory evaculator to stop his attack. I draw Kabazauls and attacked him. He draw Dragonfly and managed to combo with it and OTK me.
2. Similar situation happened like game 1. I lose to his Dragonfly + Mantis + Inzektor sword combo. This guy later continue to win his other game and managed to become winner for this tournament.

Results: XX

Round 5: Vs Infernity
1. I started 1st with my Thunder King and backrows and managed to stop his Infernity Looping Combo. Laggia managed to come out in next turn and gaining more field advantages.
2. He started 1st and set 4 backrows. He used Infernity Launcher and managed to summon 2 boss monster in field with his infernity looping. One of the boss monster is Hundred eyes dragon. I summon MST his Infernity break and summoned Thunder King. I attacted his Infernity Archfiend and set 3 backrows. He used   night beam on my set Cosmo but I chain 2 with my Safe Zone equid it on Thunder King and chain 3 by activate by Cosmo. He use all his monster to attacked Thunder King and dropped my lp to 5k. I managed to gain back field advantages by summoning Neo-spacian Grand Mole. He stopped my summon but I negated it with my Judgement that set last turn. I attacked his Hundred eyes dragon with Grand Mole. I change Thunder King to DEF position and end my turn. He use Card destruction and send both our hand to banish as Cosmo in field. He use some infernity spell but he unable to destroy Cosmo and  Safe Zone. I summon Laggia next turn and managed to control the game.

Results: OO

Round 6: Vs Machina (TOP 5)
1. I started with my Rabbit Laggia Combo with 2 backrows. I managed to control the field advantages and keep on negating the summoning of Gadget to prevent his gaining any hand advantages.
2. He summon his Gadget and gaining hand advantages. He set 2 backrows and ended his turn. I summon rabbit but stopped by his backrow. I set 2 backrows and ended my turn. He MST my bottomless and summon Gadget. I used my last backrow Torrential to destroy both his gadgets on field. His gadget eff still runs and he discard his hand and summon Machina Fortress and hits me. I draw and used dark hole. I summon Kabarzauls and he bottomless my monster. I set 1 card and ended my turn. He summon gadget and add more gadget to his hand. He attacked me and set 1 cards before ending his turn. I draw my secret weapon Cyber Dragon and special summon it and Fortress Dragon come out with 2k ATK. I summon my another monster Sabersaurus and take down his LP to 4.1K. He dint get any good cards to destroy my both monster and I managed to win him in the next turn.

Results: OO

Round 7: Vs DarkWorld (TOP 3)
1. I started with 3 Kabarzauls in hand, GORZ, Thunder King and Dark Hole. I summoned Thunder King and ended my turn. He managed to perform his DW Combo by using Foolish Burial, DarkWorld Dealing, Gates, Snows and Grapha. OTK me even I get GORZ in hand.
2. I get Cosmo 1st turn. I summon Sabersaurus and 2 set cards. He heavy storm me and I stopped with Judgement. He used MST on my Cosmo and started his DW combo again with DW dealing and Gates. I OTKed by him even I get GORZ in my hand again......

Results: XX

Finally, I get 3rd place and some Abyss boosters as my prizes. Thanks to all my friends that support me along the tournament. Luckily, I still managed to get some good cards in the boosters. Hope you guys enjoy my tourney report. Enjoy your day.

1st :  Inzektor (The guy that beat me with inzektor looping for twice)
2nd: DarkWorld (He is the little bro of the champion and my last opp of the day)
3rd: RabbitLaggia (Me) =.=
4th:  Machina