Wednesday 10 October 2012

Returning of Chaos Dragon

Hey guys, it is 10 October 2012. Extra pack 2012 is going to release few more days and I believe that it would bring some impact to the OCG land. One of the deck that might increase playability is definitely the Chaos Dragon as Tour Guide (TGU) will increase some dark element for the deck and make the deck more consistent. So I will share a standard Chaos Dragon build that will suitable in this format.

30 Monsters:
2 Card trooper
1 Chaos Sorcerer
1 Dark Armed Dragon
3 Dark flare Dragon
1 Eclipse Wyvern
2 Effect veiler
1 Gorz
3 Light Pulsar Dragon
3 Lyla
2 Maxx C
1 Night Assailant
1 RedDM
3 Ryko
1 Sangan
2 Tragoedia

10 Spells:
1 Allure of darkness
1 Charge of the light brigade
1 Dark hole
1 Heavy Storm
1 Monster reborn
2 Solar recharge

15 Side:
2 D.d. crow (effective hand traps against Inzektor, DarkWorld, Chaos Dragon, BF, and etc.)
2 Gemini Imps (perfect against DW)
2 Puppet Plant (counter for Six Sam, Hero and HB)
3 Thunder King rai-oh (counter for Hero, gadgets and etc.)
2 Prohibition (effective to counter key card of some deck example: final countdown, wind-up shark)
2 Compulsory evacuation device (good against xyz and synchro)
2 Royal decree (stop heavy trap base deck)

15 Extra:
1 AOJ Catastor
1 Black Rose Dragon
1 Scrap Dragon
1 Adreus
1 Gaia dragon
1 Atum
1 Exa-bettle
1 Leviair
1 Maestroke
1 No17
1 No 20
1 Bounzer 
1 Queen Dragon
1 Temtempo
1 Zenmaines

There are some advantages to use Chaos Dragon deck in this format. First of all, most deck in this format will play 2 to 3 MST and a Heavy Storm in main deck. Chaos Dragon deck make them have death draw that around 3/40 to 4/40 in each other deck.  Besides, Chaos Dragon deck full with huge and big monster with 2300 ATK  to 3000 ATK that easily to summon as long as the graveyard have enough dark and light monsters. CD deck has high chance to perform OTK. Apart from that, CD deck is hard to stop if their graveyard have enough materials as that can keep on special summon the big monster from their hand. Trago and Gorz also can stop most deck huge push and prevent OTK. Maxx C in this build can easily gain hand advantages when opponent preparing for a huge push.

The disadvantages of CD deck is definitely depend heavily to graveyard. By locking the grave, CD deck is almost shutdown 99%. Next, the consistency of the deck is not very high compare to other meta deck. However with the release of TGU in OCG will definitely increase some consistency to this deck and it also allow xyz to Leviair to take back banished material and reuse them.

Finally, Chaos Dragon deck is still playable in OCG and have the power to fight against HEROs, Machina, Agent and other meta as well.