Tuesday 4 June 2013

World Championship Qualifier Seed Tourney (2nd June 2013)

Hello, everyone. It had been a month dint update my blog. This time going to share about the experience in the seed qualifier last Sunday. I am joining this tournament with one of my friends. We had discuss and prepare some strategies before the tournament. There are 18 participants and I only manage to get top 6.

Format: Swiss then top 4.
Deck used: Turbo DW

First Game: Dragon ruler OXO
1st game: I manage to OTK him before he set up well. (card destruction is too good)
2nd game: He 1st turn Big Eye and Virus declare all my spell.
3rd game: I manage to slow him down with 1st turn Gozen and manage to OTK him after he destroying my Gozen.

Second Game: Spellbook OXO
1st game: Manage to card destruction him and continue with gozen and skill drain.
2nd game: He side in 3 cursed seal of the forbidden spell to stop my dragged down and dealing. (Cursed seal of forbidden spell: great side deck for spellbook to against DW and FireFist or spellbook Mirror Match)
3rd game: I manage to 1st turn Grapha and Virus. He left 1 cards and cant recover from it.

Third game: FireFist (My friend) XX
A free win for him so that he can go to the top 4. However we still play for fun after that. Death draw 2 gozen match...

Forth game: Verz XOX
1st game: He 1st turn open with ophion and macro cosmo.
2nd game: I side in triple MST and ryko. manage to tribute summon grapha and gain advantage even he open double cosmo.
3rd game: This is a hard game. We all left little hp but he draw a monster before I get mine.

Unable to get top 4 as I lose 2 game. Luckily my friend manage to top 4 and face spellbook (the guy fight with me in round 2). They had a match for more than 60 mins but unfortunately my friend lose to double jowgen with double starhall in game 3.

Deck list:

I default using double Gozen, double skill drain and a Virus to fight against the two tier 0 (Spellbook and dragon ruler) and this strategy works well. Gozen match really slow double dragon deck and allow me to survive some turn and gain advantages from that.

This is the second last seed tourney for this year 2013 World championship in my country. This coming Sunday will be the last seed tourney and I think I will try for last time and using another strategy. Beside, I also build a deck combining Hieratic and Dragon ruler. Tested for few games. Hope to share with you guys next time. Thank you for your time. That's all for this time. Bye.