Monday 1 July 2013

WCQ Malaysia Championship Tourney Report

WCQ Malaysia Championship had been organized on 29th and 30th of June. It was the first time WCQ Malaysia undergo swiss + single elimination for two days. On Saturday, around 90+ participants joined to fight for the remaining 34 seat for day 2. There will be 64 players for day 2 and 30 of them had been reserved by the seeded players. Therefore, the remaining 34 seats will be the target of day 1 participants.

Participants need 30 duelist points in order to join for day 1. Personally, I think this had increase the competitiveness of the game and decrease of rogue deck in play as 30 duelist points is not easy to earn (this will make the player take serious when choosing the deck to compete.)  However, those seeded players exempted to hand in the duelist points to join the tournament.

Now, lets start Day 1.
Day 1: Format (7-round Swiss)
Participants: 90+ ( 15+ are Singapore's player)
Deck used: Prophecy

this is deck i used in day 2 (day 1 CED-1, maxx C-1; starhall +1, veiler +1)

Round 1: Quasar deck
Game 1: He get 1st and managed to spam his field with synchro (I oni get 1 veiler and cant stop his combos). I decided to surrender directly after his turn as I will be OTK-ed next turn. This also preventing him to know the deck I used.)
Game 2: I Judgement 1st turn, followed by batel, secret, master, tower and a set fate. SS Jowgen at Endphase(EP). Totally lockdown his deck.
Game 3: Both of us draw bad and dragged for few turns. He started combo 1st but I maxx C and veiler him. I recover with judgement, secret , high priestess and jowgen again.
Result: XOO

Round 2: E-dragon
Game 1: Same technique with round 1; but this time is kycoo + jowgen 1st turn.
Game 2: He managed to EEV (virus me). I cant withstand even I managed to ss 2 high priestess with 2 tower.
Game 3: Cresent 1st turn and get judgement. GOD BLESS ME. Managed to control field with batel, jowgen, set wisdom, CED and tower.
Results: OXO

Round 3: Anti-Meta Gladiator
Game 1: Prophecy faster than Gladiator
Game 2: He manage to first turn NO16 with Hero alive, Tenki and Monster reborn (He milled a monster to grave with Plasma). I managed to tank few turns but hp is just too low to recover.
Game 3: I open with double starhall. Keep dragging the game and keep fate his monster. At mid game, I summon veiler with atk 2.6 K with just 2 starhall and I star recover from that moment after his huge push.
Results: OXO

Round 4: E-dragon
Game 1: He get 1st and use burner effect. I maxx-c-ed then he stopped his step. He set 2 and end. I use judgement combo and managed to summon jowgen at EP with a set wisdom and fate. He passed his turn. I get Kycoo and atked. Next turn, he top deck darkhole + book of moon. 1 wisdom is just nt enough =.=
Game 2: I go 1st and open with mind drain, no monster, no secret, no cresent. I just set 2 and passed my turn. I open mind drain during SP. He stunned a while then summon a reactan to hit me. I draw and its a veiler. I set veiler and open tower. He summoned another baby dragon and destroy my veiler. Then he xyz both baby to Diamond Wolf and destroy my mind drain. The summon 2 dragon and make a Draggosack.
I draw a jowgen. I summoned Jowgen atk use its effect for twice. (His hand left 2) I set up my field with jowgen, fate and tower. However, He top-deck again with LAST DAY OF WITCH. Then he ended me that turn.
Results: XX

Round 5: Mermail - Tidal
Game 1: Prophecy + jowgen lock again.
Game 2: He otk-ed me even I gt 2 veiler and 1 Maxx-C.
Game 3: Set-up my field well but he heavy storm my soul drain. I cant recover from that.
Results: OXX

Round 6: Mermail + imperial wall
Game 1: He open with imperial wall 1st turn. I locked a while but manage to slowly recover with double kycoo and double starhall with more than 10+ counters. CED is just too good this time.
Game 2: He open well and and I open with not so good hand. He OTK-ed me the next turn
Game 3: Time's almost up. (45 minutes for each round) Left 5 minutes. I continue my stuff and managed to recover from his OTK. But SUDDEN DEATH been announced ( We are given 4 more turns, (each player 2 turns) the player with more hp will be the winner.) He get 2 token on field and a mermail monster but no hand. I get a kycoo and 2 spellbook, but his hp is 6k+ but mine are 4k. He keep defend himself within this few turns. I managed to clear all his field at turn 4 but his hp is still higher than me. GG-ed.
Results: OXX

Round 7: Vanity Constellor
Game 1: He get 1st and summon that rank 4 xyz. I manged to over him with power + master on kycoo
Game 2: He droll and lock bird + vanity. However I gt kycoo with double starhall and start control the game.
Results: OO

So, the final result is 4-3 which I felt not satisfied to lose to 2 mermail players. However, I still managed to get into top 64 tomorrow with the ranking of 34... GOD BLESS ME AGAIN!!!
There are 6 of my friends joinned this tournament in DAY 1 and only 3 of us managed to go for DAY 2.
We directly go back for dinner and start our discussion and training until 3AM!!!

I think that's all for now and I will update DAY 2 tourney report and WCQ Malaysia analysis within this few days. Thank you for your time and everyone that had borrow me deck, giving me advises, training with me and support me along this tournament. Thanks again and Good Luck everyone.