Saturday 8 September 2012

Machina Gadget Deck List

It is 8 September 2012. We had been using the new format for 1 week and it had reset the most of the Meta deck in both OCG and TCG land. Today I would like to share a Machina gadget deck that did pretty well in this format.

Monsters: 18
Red Gadget x3
Yellow Gadget x3
Green Gadget x3
Tinplate Goldfish x3
Machina Fortress x2
Machina Gearframe x1
Tragoedia x2
Emissary of darkness Gorz x1

Spell: 11
Heavy Storm x1
Dark Holex1
Monster rebornx1
Book of Moon x1
Double Summon x3
MST x3
Pot of Avarice x1

Trap: 11
Compulsory Evacuation Device x2
Solemn Warning x2
Solemn Judgement x1
Bottomless Trap Hole x2
Torrential Tribute x2
Ultimate offering x1
Mirror force x1

Chimeratech Fortress Dragon x1
Stardust Dragon x1
Daigusto Emeral x1
Evilswarm Ouroborus x1
Fairy King Albverdich x1
Gagaga Gunman x1
Gear Gigant X x2
Maestroke The Symphony Djinn x1
No11: Big Eye x1
No16: Shock Master x1
No39: Utopia x1
No c39: Utopia Ray x1
Photon Paphilloperative x1
Steelswarm Roach x1

The idea of this deck is using the search power of the gadgets and Machina Gearframe to search and continue summon by using Tinplate Goldfish, Double Summon and Ultimate Offering. The main purpose is to summon as many as monster in the field to gain field advantages and hand advantages as well.

One of the basic combo shows below:
We need 3 cards to start this combo. (Any one of the gadget, Tinplate Goldfish and Double Summon)
Normal Summon Tinplate Goldfish and use its effect to special summon Gadget, search for another gadget.
Overlay Goldfish and Gadget into Gear Gigant X. Then search Goldfish with Gear Gigant X.
Use double summon. Normal summon Goldfish and special Gadget, search for the third Gadget.
Overlay both into another Gear Gigant X and search for either Goldfish or Machina Gearframe.
Your field now have 2 Gear Gigant with 2300 ATK and your hand have 5 cards( 1 is gadget and another 1 is Machine Monster search by the second Gear Gigant X)

Ultimate Offering Combo:
The cards we need to start this combo are just any one of the gadgets and Ultimate Offering. With the ability to search another gadgets once summon, we can continue to summon with Ultimate Offering without reducing our hand power. We can spam our field with Rank 4 XYZ such as No16 that can stop monster effects, spell and traps, Evilswarm Ouroborus that have 3 effects, Fairy King Albverdich that can reduce ATK, Gear Giant X that can search more monsters etc..

If a gadget and a Machina Fortress are in our hand, we can summon gadget to get another gadget to our hand. Then we discard both Fortress and gadget to grave to special summon Machina Fortress a 2500 ATK beater. 2500 ATK + 1200 ATK (yellow gadget with lowest ATK among three) = 3700. We can easily damage our opponent life point to almost half with just 2 cards.

Ability to gain hand advantages (searching each another for gadget and searching Machina fortress with gearframe.)
Ability to reborn for Machina Fortress. We can simply discard any machine monsters with level 8 or higher to special summon Fortress in hand and grave.
Fortress don't really afraid of Solemn Warning. He can easily reborn.
Easily to spam variety of ranl 4 XYZ with gadgets.

Low ATK among all gadget. (1400 is the highest)
Thunder King has the ability to make this deck into critical situation as it can stop the searching ability and negate the special summon.
Skill drain most of the monster effect of this deck.
Ally of Justice is one of the card that can beat most of the monster in this deck.
Cyber dragon is also another card that can cause negative impact to this deck by its fusion Chimeratech Fortress Dragon.

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