Monday 10 September 2012

The Six Samurai

Hello guys, it is 11 September 2012. Today I would like to share with you a  SIX SAMURAI deck that did pretty well currently. Let us proceed to the deck list before we start our discussion.

Monsters: 13
Elder of the six samurai x1
Grandmaster of the six samurai x1
Kagemusha of the six samurai x3
Legendary six samurai- Enishi x1
Legendary six samurai- Kageki x2
Legendary six samurai- Kizan x3
Spirit of the six samurai x1
The six samurai- Zanji x1

Spells: 16
Asceticism of the Six Samurai x3
Book of moon x1
Forbidden chalice x1
Gate of the six x1
Monster reborn x1
Mystical space typhoon x2
Reinforcement of the army x1
Shien's dojo x1
Shien's smoke signal x2
Six samurai united x3

Traps: 11
Bottomless trap hole x2
Compulsory Evacuation Device x1
Double-Edge sword technique x2
Mirror force x1
Musakani magatama x1
Solemn Judgment x1
Solemn Warning x2
Torrential Tribute x1

Extras: 15
Ally of justice catastor x1
Black rose dragon x1
Legendary six samurai -Shi En x1
Naturia Barkion x1
Naturia Beast x1
Blade Armor Ninja x1
H.C- Excalibur x1
M-X-Saber invoker x1
Maestroke the symphony djinn x1
No16 Shock master x1
No17 Leviathan Dragon x1
No39 Utopia x1
No61 Volcasaurus x1
Steelswarm Roach x1
Wind-up Zenmaines x1

Sides: 15
Electric Virus x1
Gemini Imps x1
Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer x2
Dark hole x1
Dimensional Fissure x2
Heavy Storm x1
Mystical Space Typhoon x1
Soul Taker x1
Compulsory Evacuation Device x1
Dimensional Prison x1
Macro Cosmo x1
Rivalry of Warlords x1
Torrential Tribute x1

The six samurai deck has strong ability to swarm the field and gaining huge advantages with two spell cards: "Gate of the six" and "Six samurai united". The searching ability of six samurai deck is also very strong with the assist cards "Reinforcement of the army", "Asceticism of the Six Samurai" and "Shien's smoke signal".
Although there are just 13 monster in the deck but with so many support cards, it is easy to have get monster to your hand.
The key card of this deck is definitely "Gate of the Six" and "Six Samurai United". By using this both cards wisely, you will able to swarm the field with monsters and without losing your hand advantages. The use of the bushido counter is very important as it can helps  you to continue adding cards to your hand.

Another good support cards beside "Gate of the six" and "Six samurai United" is the "Asceticism of the Six Samurai". In this deck, we have can use "Asceticism of the Six Samurai" on almost all the monsters in different situation:
1) Kagemusha with 400 ATK and Elder of the Six Samurai with 400 ATK, vice versa
2) Kageki with 1700 ATK (While control another face-up "Six Samurai" monster)and Enishi 1700ATK 3) Kizan with 1800 ATK and Zanji 1800 ATK, vice versa
4) Kizan with 2100 ATK (While you control 2 or more other face-up "Six Samurai" monsters) and Grandmaster with 2100 ATK
With so many targets and choices, "Asceticism of the Six Samurai" is a good cards in this deck that allow you to control the game with different ways.

"Double-Edge sword technique" is another good support cards for six samurai as it allow user to special summon two monsters with one cards, we can synchro or overlay these monster to avoid the negative effects. It helps us to recycle the limited monster in our deck.

Normally Six Samurai players with synchro summon "Legendary six samurai -Shi En" to the field 1st before they swarming others monsters to the field as Shi En has the ability to negate spell and traps. Naturia Barkion and Naturia Beast are another choices for the user of this deck to lock the field.

The ability to OTK for this deck is definitely strong because of the strong swarming ability and the XYZ monsters (H.C Excalibur, Blade Armor Ninja and M-X-Saber Invoker). It is easy to swarm "Shi En" and 3 "Kizan" to the field in one turn with the helps of the "Gate of the six" which can deal up to [2500+(2100x3)=8800] 8800 damage in one turn.

Fast enough to OTK opponent without dragging the game.
Strong ability to swarm monsters to field without losing hand advantages.
Good ability to negate spell and trap cards with those synchro monsters.
Combos with XYZ monster that can deal up to 11100++ damage with 4 monsters (Shi En 2500 + Grandmaster 2100 + Kizan 2100 + Blade Armor Ninja 2200x2)

Lack of ability to negate special summon and prevention of summoning: we can only use the trap cards to negate the summoning of opponent monsters
Low ability on effect negation. Monsters like Snowman Eater, Puppet plant and Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo create big problem to this deck.
Having trouble when versus high attack monsters such as Grapha and Red-eyes Darkness Metal Dragon.

Sides: 15
Electric Virus x1 [Good in the game with chaos dragon, hieratic, machina and geargia. Control them and use it to synchro or XYZ)
Gemini Imps x1 [Use to against dark world most of the time]
Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer x2 [Counter to Chaos, Chaos dragon, DW deck and etc..]
Dark hole x1 [Staple card for massive destruction on Monsters]
Dimensional Fissure x2 [Against highly grave-base deck BF, DW, Mermaid]
Heavy Storm x1 [Another staple card for massive destruction on Spells and Traps]
Mystical Space Typhoon x1 [Staple card to destroy spell traps]
Soul Taker x1 [Counter to pulsar dragon and other high ATK monsters]
Compulsory Evacuation Device x1 [Good in against heavy synchro and XYZ monster deck, bounce them with 1 card to +1 or more]
Dimensional Prison x1 [Good non-target trap]
Macro Cosmo x1 [Same as Dimensional Fissure]
Rivalry of Warlords x1 [Counter to Wind-up, psychic, plant synchro deck with different type of monsters]
Torrential Tribute x1 [Another staple card for massive destruction on summon]

Six Samurai deck is a potential deck that can play better in this format because of his strong ability to negate spell and traps card and other decks already reduce the ability to do mass destruction (inzektor). By using the support cards of six samurai in good way, this deck has great chance to take down most of the game easily.

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