Saturday 15 September 2012

Tourney of Top Store Qualified player

Deck used: Rabbit Laggia
Participants: 18
Format: Swiss system

Swizz 1st match vs Hieratic
1st duel:  He gt 1st turn and summoned bouncer to control the field. I used a lots of cards to destroy his bouncer. He won the first game with hieratic combo. 
2nd duel: I summoned thunder king 1st turn and set few back rows. He not managed to perform his combo as I keep on veiler his Atum. 
3rd duel: My veiler stopped his cardcar and his hieratic combo. I summoned Laggia and won the game.
results: XOO

Swizz 2nd match vs Hero Beat
1st duel: He want to use his miracle fusion for twice but I managed to stop him for twice with heavy back rows. He searched bubbleman to his hand and draw extra 2 cards with bubbleman effect. He managed to summon shinning but I set a compulsory for him. 
2nd duel: He attacked his shinning to my set snowman eater for twice. I managed to control the game with Laggia.

results: OO

Swizz 3rd match vs Rabbit  Warrior
1st duel: He summoned rabbit and called two warrior but I banish both of them with my bottomless. I managed to take the game with TKR.
2nd duel: He managed to summon rabbit for twice this game but I stopped him with book of moon and bottomless that make him lost most of his materials. 

results: OO

Swizz 4th match vs Machina Gadgets
1st duel: He gained a lot of hand advantages by summoning gadgets and gearframe. My traps cannot stop him. I set a spirit reaper and managed to hold for few more turns until he summoned No50 and Big eye.
2nd duel: I controlled the game with Laggia. 
3rd duel: I summoned rabbit but he managed to raigeki break me. He managed to win the game with machina fortress. 

results: XOX

Top 4 vs Machina Gadgets
1st duel: He is the same guy that using Machina just now. I managed to get this game by using TKR and 2 solemn warning. 
2nd duel: His morphing jar 2 caused me some problems. He cleared my field with dark hole. However, I summoned Laggia and Cyber dragon with some back rows and won the game.

results: OO

Final vs Dark World
1st duel: He started 1st with some back rows and a set monster. I summoned TKR and destroyed his set broww. He opened skill drain. I still used my rabbit to summon a Utopia with a safe zone and managed to drag the game for few turns. He heavy storm to clear the field. I turn the table with Gorz in my hand.
2nd duel: He use hand destruction on 1st turn and gain huge advantages. I managed to summon Laggia and TKR and won the game. (He showed me his hand after the game, all are spell cards =.= )

results: OO

Overall I think I did ok but with some mistakes in the game I duel with Machina Gadget. (Waste some traps when he summon his machina) This is my 4th time joining for Top Store qualified player and finally listed in the Top Store qualified player list after getting top 4 for three times. Special thank to my friends Edward and Weida that accompany and help me. 

In a nutshell, rabbit Laggia deck is still playable but we still need to find some ways to increase it's consistency. I hope that the Extra Pack 5 will release soon to increase the consistency of this deck. Thank you for your time, hope you guys enjoy this tourney. 

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