Friday 14 September 2012

Turbo Dark World

It is 15 September 2012. This time I would like to share a turbo dark world deck to you guys.
Let's see the deck list before we discuss about this deck.

Monsters: 14
Beiige, Vanguard of the Dark World x1
Broww, Huntsman of the Dark World x3
Grapha, Dragon Lord of the Dark World x3
Sillva, Warlord of the Ddar World x2
Snoww, Unlight of the Dark World x3
Tour Guide from the underworld x2

Spells: 19
Allure of Darkness x1
Book of Moon x1
Card Destruction x1
Dark Hole x1
Dark World Dealing x3
Dragged Down into the grave x3
Foolish Burial x1
Heavy Storm x1
Monster Reborn x1
MST x1
The Gate of Dark World x3
Upstart Goblin x2

Traps: 7
Deck Devastation Virus x1
Reckless Greed x3
Skill Drain x2
Solemn Judgement x1

Extra: 15
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon x1
A.O.J. Catastor x1
Black Rose Dragon x1
Fabled Ragin x1
Scrap Dragon x1
Stardust Dragon x1
Gaia Dragon, The thunder charger x1
Hieratic Sun Dragon Overlord of hielopolis x1
Leviar The Sea Dragon x1
No17 x1
No30 x1
No39 x1
No61 x1
Wind-up Arsenal Zenmaioh x1
Wind-up Zemaines x1

The purpose of this deck build is to spam the field with DW monsters and gaining hand advantages with the field "The Gate of Dark World".
Let me explain some cards in this "turbo DW" deck.

1) Reckless Greed + Upstart Goblin + Gate: ( Engine for turbo DW)
Reckless Greed and Upstart Goblin are two key cards that speed up this deck. The side effect caused by this two cards are not a problem for DW. The Gate of DW can easily cover the punishment from the Reckless greed and the adding life point for opponent is not a problem too as a single hit of Grapha with 3000 ATK can settle the opponent easily.
By using reckless greed and upstart goblin nicely, we will be able to gain huge hand advantages. Huge advantages gain when we use 2 or 3 reckless greed in same turn, as we only punished by skipping draw phase for 1 reckless.

2) Leviar the Sea Dragon
Leviar ability manage to call back a banished DW monster. We can easily summon Leviar with a tour and broww. Then use leviar's effect to call a DW monster to the field. If we have Grapha in our grave. We can SS Grapha by returning the DW monster call back by Leviar to hand. Leviar helps to recycle our monster in banish zone and help us to gain a free Grapha.

3) No17, No61, Gaia and Hieratic Sun Dragon Overlord of hielopolis.
There are plenty of different XYZs in this deck. We have different ways to use them to help us to win a game. No17 is like a free foolish burial in this deck. We can summon tour and special summon broww from deck and overlay them to No17. Then detach Broww to grave with No17's effect and we manage to fill our grave with Broww. No61 is another good XYZ monster in this deck, we can SS it with 2 Sillva. We can easily reach an OTK with 2 Sillva and 1 Grapha although our opponent has a huge monster to protect them. We can overlay both Sillva to No61 and use eff on them. After destroying their monster and deal some damages to them, we overly Gaia on No61. Then we can attack with Gaia on their def position monster and Grapha for last hit. Hieratic Sun Dragon is another good card to DW because we can overlay it with 2 Grapha. We will detach Grapha to grave when using Sun dragon's effect. However, it is easy for us to reborn Grapha as we can easily summon a DW monster on field to SS Grapha. Sun dragon can be use to destroy some monster like spirit reaper, setted ryko and setted mirror force.
4) Skill drain+Virus
Skill drain can stopped most of the META decks to perform their combos and it affect this deck most of the time. We still have to use this card wisely as it will affect our tour guide to use its effect.
Virus is good when we fight against deck with small monsters such as psychics, wind-up, gadgets and geargia. We can gain opponent hand information at the same time. By combining with the dark world dealing and  dragged down we can gain more hand information of our opponent. "If you know the enemy and you know yourself, you need not fear the result of hundred battles. If you know yourself but don't know your enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor your self, you will succumb in every battle." quoted from Sun Tzu, an ancient Chinese military general, strategist and philosopher who is traditionally believed to be the author of The Art of War.

Strength and weakness of this deck:
High ability to perform OTK as having a 3000 ATK beater (with the field card)
Good ability to recycle the boss, Grapha with it own effect can SS himself back by returning 1 DW monster controlled on field to hand.
Good in against most META deck as skill drain and virus in the main that can cause lot of problems to them.
High ability to search cards, add cards and draw cards with all his own archetype support cards and other support cards to maintain a consistency on this deck.

Highly rely on the graveyard to perform combos.
Easily counter in game 2 and 3 as most deck will have cards to counter DW in side deck. For example: d.d. crow, Shadow-imprisoning, Dimensional Fissure and Macro Cosmo.
Rely heavily on discard engine. Deck totally dead if cant get discard engine.

In a nutshell, turbo DW is a very nice and playable deck that allow player to use it in different ways. It is different with the other deck that we can see nowadays that always play huge number of traps. It should be fun if you have a try on this. Thank you for your time and enjoy your day.

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